60 parkway

project details
183 condominiums
15 Stories
Condo Units

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Dubbed by the New York Times as "the renovation not just of a building but an entire suburb´s image," the 60 Parkway project drew media attention for the scope of its turnaround. Over a few short months, the former Mayfair building was transformed from an abandoned home to squatters and gangs, to a pricey condominium project with units selling for upwards of $300,000.
Real estate analysts marveled over the vision behind Marcal´s repositioning, detecting potential value in a decaying building, plagued by vandals, unpaid tax bills, graffiti artists; utility shut-offs and even, according to lore, a glancing blow from a small plane.60 Parkway was cited as a trailblazer in East Orange´s revival.
Real estate analysts marveled over the vision behind Marcal´s repositioning, detecting potential value in a decaying building, plagued by vandals, unpaid tax bills, graffiti artists; utility shut-offs and even, according to lore, a glancing blow from a small plane.60 Parkway was cited as a trailblazer in East Orange´s revival.